Newest blog posts are at the bottom.

I've written a book

I've written a book.  I actually wrote it 18 years ago, but I'm hoping to publish it now!
  Here's what I'm saying about it:

Time Out Dear Diary, I think I said too much.

A time out of my life; a A diary's perspective of leaving an abusive family and entering the madness of foster care. It is the ins and outs of the eating disorder, depression, and abuse that tried to mold me.Written when I was 13-16 years old, this diary takes you through 3 of my most important years.

I'm hoping to publish by the end of this year, so I have a few weeks left! I will self publish the book as an Ebook. Even if you don't have an E reader, you can put it on a computer and read it there.

I'll put links up here for purchasing through Amazon.
Wish me luck, and spread the word.

a glimpse at the beginning

September 8, 1995

Dear Diary,
I saw Mrs. L. today after school.  I was walking down the hall in my gym uniform, all red and sweaty from field hockey practice. She said I should try doing cross country this year, so I think I will.  I was hoping that she would be the supervisor for it, because she was last year, but someone else is in charge. I would be more encouraged if she was the supervisor.

Melyssa B, a really nice friend that I met at camp last summer, is earnestly begging me to tell Mrs. L. about what dad does to me.  I'm afraid to.  Even though Melyssa and I talked about dad this summer, and we both figured it's wrong, I don't know.  Somehow, I feel like his harassment isn't even that serious.  He doesn't just go out and do it, he does it when he's "tickling me".  That's what he calls it anyway.  Maybe he thinks it's a game, I don't know. 

When I say something funny and sarcastic about him and sometimes other people, he'll... 
 [and it continues... 70,000 more words or so)


Considering options.

If anyone wants to weigh in, I'm open to opinions.
I wanted it to be Time Out,  but if you search for that at Barnes and Noble, for example, there's a ton of books with that name- travel guides to about 30 countries. That's too bad, too, as I've hoped for that title for approx. 18 years.

Here's what I'm now considering:

Time Out- a piece of my childhood

Dear Diary- sorry it's been so long

What I never told you

i broke. it hurt.
and he didn’t pay for it.

I think I said too much

Changing the Blog title now

Seeing as I've come to think the book will not be called "Time Out"  I have changed the blog title.

Almost done

So, I've almost got it all done.
I've been going over the whole document, making sure everyone's name is correctly changed, making sure what I intended to say was said.  I've added a few 'author's notes,' and now I'm trying to decide when/how to publish.

I want to self publish because that's easy and free, and I can keep it digital.  However, I've also been drafting up query letters to literary agents.  Not sure if you can self publish and be published the traditional way.

Either way, the year is winding down, and my goal is still set.

I hope once my book is out and about, that you will help spread the word for me. I'm not sure how other people do it, but I know word of mouth can be pretty powerful. (word of Twitter, facebook, text...) I'm certainly not the next anybody, but, I have an important story that I want to share.

Stay tuned....

in Review

Barnes and Noble and Amazon are reviewing my work, and so it should be up soon!!